Marine Sanitation Device Professional Helps You Make Your “Five Year Plan”
Your marine sanitation device professionals know that many people who decide that they are going to do some longer term cruising will work with a “five year plan”. We have a dock neighbour who admits to being in the fifteenth year of his five-year plan. Somehow, we have seemed to skip one phase in all of this – and that would be some of the planning.
I’ve known for a while that I wanted to try life on a boat, whereas Ken had always figured he would be a “dirt person” and a recreational sailor. Your marine sanitation device for sale experts know that there was certainly very little thought about long term, serious cruising.
Personal issues took precedence initially, but the realization that we weren’t getting younger pushed us to start the research phase of the project. We agreed that we would first live on the boat while continuing to work in Toronto for a while to save money – no point in paying apartment rent and making boat payments at the same time.
Your boat cleaning products professionals know that the next step was to find one in good shape that we could afford. The Internet is a wonderful way to look for boats, as is talking to brokers. Well, I may make it sound more democratic than it was – I woke Ken up one morning while we were on vacation with the news that I had rented a car and made an appointment that day to look at a boat which was 160 km away on Georgian Bay.
You can find more information as well as get assistance on boat cleaning products and making your “living multi-year on a boat” plan at Raritan Engineering.
Sailing and Living on a Boat – Suggestions From Marine Sanitation Device Professionals
We met one Niagara owner, who graciously invited us aboard. He and his boat had done some serious ocean cruising, and it had all of the nautical toys including wind vane steering.
We looked at another Niagara 35, and the skipper was aboard with his family. Your marine sanitation & supply professionals feel that after chatting for a while, we admitted that we were actively interested in purchasing that exact Niagara model. “Our boat” surveyed well! The engine space and bilges were described as clean enough in which to eat.
Hmm, part one down. With no small amount of effort, we got our boat financing as well. We arranged to close the deal on September 1 – coincidently Ken’s birthday (that gift will never be bettered!). Our landlady had been given notice for our apartment for October 1, so we had a little bit of time to get things organized.
We had to empty our whole apartment! Many cruisers choose to store furniture and keepsakes in rented storage lockers. We sold much of the furniture to a relative, and so that was made easier. The rest of the “stuff” that we didn’t want to keep was sold in a garage sale or returned to immediate family.
Ken and I took a long hard look at our wardrobes. We halved our clothing supplies, and then halved them again. Some seasonal and formal clothing is stored a cupboard in my office at work. Raritan marine sanitation experts know that everything else is on board. He still has 5 heavy toolboxes full of tools, and 3 boxes of ham radio gear.
For Ken and I, our defining moment of first becoming liveaboards began with the comprehension that we had just disposed of the complete contents of the apartment, and that our furniture was on its’ way out of town.
There was only one final decision to be made that night; we could move immediately onto our new boat, or spend an uncomfortable night on a bare apartment floor.
So don’t forget these helpful pointers on how to make your “living multi-year on a boat” plan. 1) You must not take a journey like this lightly….planning is needed; 2) you definitely need a sturdy and reliable boat for the journey; and 3) make sure to have all of the spare parts and tools needed just in case a problem arises.
Raritan Engineering has more information on marine sanitation device, boat cleaning products, marine holding tanks, and on how to make your “living multi-year on a boat” plan.