Tools you will need:
Container of warm water
1) Crown Head – Centrifugal Discharge Series – with standard
size bowl and 90° discharge fitting.

2.) The CH37E check valve allows a diluted mix of Raritan concentrate (part
#CON) to be drawn up into the rim of the toilet bowl during flushing.The
check valve is designed to prevent water from flowing back and overfilling
the CH29A bottle.
If the concentrate mixture is not being drawn into the bowl or the CH29A (tank) is back-filling, the CH37E may need servicing (cleaning) or replacement.
The correct location of the CH37E is at the end of the CH37 tubing and in the bottom of the CH29A bottle.
If the concentrate mixture is not being drawn into the bowl or the CH29A (tank) is back-filling, the CH37E may need servicing (cleaning) or replacement.
The correct location of the CH37E is at the end of the CH37 tubing and in the bottom of the CH29A bottle.

3.) Unthread the CH136 cap from the CH29A bottle to access the CH37E check

4.) Remove CH37E from CH37 tubing with caution as to not to damage the
barbed end of the piece.

5.) Gently push and slightly twist the two pieces, as to unlatch the locking
mechanism. Then lightly pull the pieces apart to expose the internal check

6.) Using the eraser end of a pencil or equivalent, gently push the check
valve disc down to free the mechanism if seized.Soak the check valve in hot
water (not boiling) for 5-10 minutes to dissolve any buildup.
Allow to dry then reassemble valve noting flow direction.
Reconnect to the tubing and thread cap onto the concentrate bottle.
Allow to dry then reassemble valve noting flow direction.
Reconnect to the tubing and thread cap onto the concentrate bottle.